[ 開光點眼 ]
開光過程會依地區和道士而有所不同。一開始需要找一個德高望重的道士,然後選擇一個入 座的日子;接著道士在儀式中會一邊唸咒一遍拿著寶鏡,將寶鏡照到的太陽光反射到神像上; 再來將神像的軀體後背會開個洞,放入五至七種寶物後再將洞填起來。常見的寶物有金、銀、 銅、鐵、錫、瑪瑙、玉石、珍珠、蜜蜂、蜈蚣、五色線等,也有地區會放入符咒或是用紅紙寫下神的起源。在最後道士使用毛筆,將白公雞的雞冠血和黑色鴨的舌頭血點上神像的五官和身軀, 開啟耳、鼻、舌、身、意,統稱「六通」。
[kāi guāng diǎn yǎn]
Kai Guang Dian Yan, the consecration ceremony is one of the many Taoist ceremonies. Taoists believe before the consecration ceremony, the statue or picture of the deity would just be the depiction without the essence of the spirit. To invite the spirit of the deity to reside in either the statue or the picture, the consecration ceremony is required.
The consecration ceremony varies depending on the location and the preforming Taoist. Generally speaking, the process of the consecration ceremony would need a virtuous and reputable Taoist to pick the specific date to present the ceremony. During the ceremony, the Taoist would recite special scripture while hold a sacred mirror. Then sun light would be reflected on the sculpture or image with the depiction of the deity. After process, if its a sculpture, the back it would have a hole opened up and inserted with five to seven different sacred objects such as: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, agate, jade, pearl, bee, centipede and/ or five colored tread. In some instances, depending on the locale where the ceremony is being preformed, written spells or the origin of the said deity written on a piece of red paper would also be inserted into the sculpture. Lastly, the Taoist would then use a hair brush dipped in the blood from a white rooster’s crown mixed with blood from the tongue of a black duck, to annotate the five senses and the body of the sculpture. To “turn on” the ears, nose, eyes body and the thought of the deity now attached to the sculpture. This is called “Liu Tong”, to turn on all six senses.
White rooster signifies life and male vitality. While the pronunciation of duck in mandarin is similar to pressing down so it’s used to press down evil spirits.
The rooster and duck used in the ceremony can not be killed and would be released alive. Nowadays in modern society, when this ceremony is being preformed, cinnabar is used to substitute live animal blood.
儀式が始まると道士は宝鏡を持ちながら呪文を唱え、宝鏡で太陽光を神像に反射して照らしま す。神像の背中に穴を開け、5~7種類の宝物を入れてから封じます。よく使われるのは金、銀、銅、鉄、錫、メノウ、翡翠、真珠、蜂、ムカデ、五色糸など。
呪符か神様の起源が書いてある赤い紙を入れる地域もあります。最後に道士は筆を使い、白い オス鶏のトサカの血、黒い鴨の舌の血を順番に神像の五官と体に塗ります。目、耳、鼻、舌、体、意識を開きます。通称「六通」。
は陽の気と活力の象徴で「鴨」のマンダリン発音は「抑える」と同じで、悪を抑える意味があります。儀式で使った鶏と鴨は殺さずに放生します。現在では、血を辰砂で代用する ことが多いで す。
五寶為神明的法器,分別為七星劍、鯊魚劍、釘棍、刺球、月斧。所謂的操五寶,就是乩童拿法 器自殘自己的身體,以神的保護不懼疼痛來彰顯神威,並以血來鎮煞驅邪。通常乩童自殘的部位是頭部以及背部。
[The Five Sacred Instruments]
There are two types of shaman in Taoist practice: “Wen- Ji and Wu- Ji”. Both types lend their body to the gods as the vessel for the spirits to be presented in the physical world; the one main difference is Wu-Ji would use instruments once the body taken over by the gods but Wen- Ji just uses chanting.
Handling of the five sacred instruments is a Wu- Ji specialty once it’s been possessed by the gods.
The Five Sacred Instruments include a seven-star sword, a nail stick (brass rod and wolf tooth stick), a moon ax (moon eyebrow ax, double ax), a nail-studded ball and a Sawfish Sword.
The handling of the five sacred instruments is when the Wu- Ji shaman uses the instruments to self-mutilate him or herself to show that, by being possessed by the gods, the power of
the gods would protect the shaman from injuries and pain. This is to signified the power of the gods, and to suppress evil spirits. Usually the shamans self-mutilation is done on either the back or the head.
The five sacred instruments also signifies the five military camps of the gods from five different directions: east, west, south, north, and center. Therefore the handling of five sacred instruments also means the command of the five military camps.
The gods whom are most commonly seen at the handling of the five sacred instruments are Nuochia and/ or Xuan Tian, both are male military general type gods.
道教のシャーマン:タンキー(童乩)にはブンキー(文乩)とブキー(武乩)の2種類があり、どちらも神様に体を貸します。違いは、ブキーは法道具を使用するが、ブンキーはそれを持てないことで す。神様が身に降りる時はブキーのみ5つの宝物を操ります。
5つの宝物は神様の法器と言われ、それぞれ七星剣、シャーク剣、釘バット、刺球、月斧です。タ ンキーは5つの宝物を使い、自分の身体を自傷します。それは神様に守られていることで痛みを恐れず神力を示します。そして、血は悪霊を抑えられると思われています。タンキーが自傷する 部位は大体頭部と背中です。
神様が率いる五営兵将は方位で分かれており、東営、西営、南営、北営、中営になっています。 5つの宝物を操ることは神様が兵隊を指揮するものと思われています。三太子と玄天上帝など武神が身に降ろす際はよく5つの宝物を操ります。